Navigating Artist's Block Amid Stress: A Personal Reflection on Reimagining Failed Artworks

In the coming three weeks, I anticipate an unprecedented level of stress, a predicament many find themselves in due to various life circumstances. It's within this context that artist's block has emerged as a significant side effect, complicating my creative process further. This reflection delves into the challenges posed by a large-scale painting project that fell short of expectations, and how I've approached the issue of artist's block, especially under the looming shadow of stress.

The Impact of Stress on Creativity

The nexus between stress and creativity is complex. While a certain level of stress can potentially fuel creativity, providing the urgency and drive needed to overcome procrastination, an overwhelming amount disrupts the delicate balance required for creative thought. In my case, the anticipation of an incredibly stressful period, due to various deadlines and events, has precipitated a form of artist's block, manifesting through a dissatisfaction with a large-scale painting that encountered numerous technical issues, notably in shadows and perspective.

Decision to Repurpose Amid Stress

Faced with the dual challenges of artist's block and impending stress, the decision to repurpose the problematic painting rather than discard it represents a strategy for managing both. This choice reflects a commitment to resilience, an understanding of the value embedded in the effort already expended, and a belief in the transformative power of creativity to redeem and reimagine failure.

Leveraging Errors as Opportunities

Within this period of stress-induced artist's block, I've come to view the technical errors in the painting not as insurmountable failures but as unique opportunities for growth and innovation. This perspective shift is crucial for navigating artist's block, especially under stress. It entails recognizing that each mistake holds the potential for learning and can contribute to the evolution of a new creative vision. Thus, the flawed painting serves as a foundation for something new, embodying a testament to the journey of overcoming obstacles.

Strategies for Managing Artist's Block and Stress

Addressing artist's block in a period of significant stress necessitates a multifaceted strategy. Here are several approaches that im sure you’ve read before but that have been instrumental in my journey:

  1. Prioritizing Self-Care: Recognizing the impact of stress on both physical and mental health, prioritizing self-care is crucial. Activities such as exercise or simply taking time to relax can mitigate stress levels, creating a more conducive environment for creativity. I personally try to do a little 30 minute workout and do something enjoyable that game for an hour every day if I can.

  2. Breaking Tasks into Manageable Segments: Given the overwhelming nature of the upcoming weeks, breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable segments can help alleviate stress and make the creative process more approachable. Starting with items of high priority and working my way down.

  3. Embracing Flexibility: Flexibility in expectations and timelines can ease the pressure that exacerbates artist's block. Allowing for fluidity in creative endeavors can foster a more forgiving and productive mindset amidst less flexible deadlines.

  4. Seeking Support: Engaging with a supportive community, whether peers, mentors, or friends, can provide not only practical advice but also emotional support during stressful times.


The intersection of an incredibly stressful period and artist's block presents a formidable challenge, yet it also offers a unique opportunity for personal and creative growth. By reimagining a failed artwork amidst this tumultuous time, I've embarked on a journey of resilience and innovation. This experience underscores the importance of perspective, self-care, and community in navigating the complexities of creativity under stress. It reaffirms that through embracing imperfection and viewing obstacles as opportunities, we can find new paths to expression and fulfillment, even in the most challenging circumstances. Lets see where this painting will take me next…I may revisit the original on a smaller scale another time.


Ultramarine: Beyond the Blue


Behind the Painting: Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe